Search results

  1. Violet

    What should the next Indy lady be like?

    To me, Marion should make an appearance- not all movie necessarily but at least a couple of scenes to at least explain where she is and what their relationship is at this point. In terms of a female lead, I'm liking the former students angle that Pale suggested in another thread- have a couple...
  2. Violet

    Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

    This film was the SW film I was looking for all this time- this was the kind of thing I expected from Ep 3 and didn't get. It was also the quality I wanted in TFA but didn't get. I seriously can't express my love for this film. But I did make a Jyn Erso cosplay so that counts.
  3. Violet

    Indiana Jones 5: July 19, 2019

    You do know that Stoo collected all the bookends and posted them up on Youtube right? Or have they been taken by Disney/Lucasfilm? As for Indy's daughter- I say Mutt's wife who's comfortable enough to call him Dad. Alternatively could even be an adopted daughter or daughter of another wife. I...
  4. Violet

    Reboot after Indy 5?

    As I've said many times on here, I'm open to reboot and look forward to it in some regards. Personally I'd like to see Indy in the mid to late 20s and eventually lead into the 30s. Mainly so it won't retread too much of what has been seen in films and to me, it would be an origins-esque kind of...
  5. Violet

    Villains of Indy 5

    Chinese communists were the last Mummy movie. Would have to be done differently to that (yes I realise the military in that film were more for the Emperor but were under the guise of Chinese Communist military).
  6. Violet

    Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

    Not made up- besides for years I wondered as I read bio after bio, BTS books after BTS books and numerous film articles that they were fighting heaps on set of Empire. Often wondered what the beef was. Now well, we know. Sorry but Harrison ain't a saint and neither is Carrie. Ironic really-...
  7. Violet

    Villains of Indy 5

    I'd like to see them try to Soviet angle again and they should do it differently this time. I would take a little inspiration from City of the Gods script myself as I quite like the baddies in that one. Otherwise a secret society might be an idea too
  8. Violet

    Indy V Settings: What locations are left?

    The other thing to take in consideration is where they can film safely coz chances are with the issues in the Middle East and even some parts of Africa and even Europe to a small extent could be difficult to film in (partly why I based my choices on Asia and Russia, snow places and island locales).
  9. Violet

    Should Indy have a beard in Indy V?

    I'd wouldn't mind either way but I kinda like seeing a different look for Indy- more the shorter beard though than full on. To me, it looks younger on him and seems logical for a world weary adventurer to have one at some point.
  10. Violet

    Indiana Jones 5: July 19, 2019

    I'm agreeing with a young girl scenario- simply coz that's one of the things that is still sitting on the shelf since the days of ToD's development. I'm anticipating the elements that haven't been used up to this point are the ones we're likely to get. Even with the new SW EU canon, we had a...
  11. Violet

    Trilogy on Blu-Ray

    Yeah agreed- KOTCS in the bluray set has far less special features so I actually recommend keeping your original KOTCS bluray. As for the rest there's some great new stuff for the original trilogy. And yeah the original films look and sound so much to me anyway.
  12. Violet

    The Adventures of Indiana Jones animated fan project

    Love this so much Patrick - this is beautiful and captures the essence and the imagination of Indiana Jones. To be honest I'm really sad we don't have an animated series just like this right now!! I hope Disney pays attention to this coz it's that damn good! All my friends have been watching it...
  13. Violet

    An AU where Marcus Brody was in it

    I could say the same about the Henry photo on his desk. That's definitely a production still- I know I've seen it in one of the making of books in the Last Crusade bits somewhere.
  14. Violet

    An AU where Marcus Brody was in it

    Even with Elliott being alive, I still think the outcome would have been the same- for example, Connery is still alive and opting to be not in the film, yet they killed off Henry Snr. Elliott would have been elderly/retired the way Connery is I would think.
  15. Violet

    The Adventures of Indiana Jones animated fan project

    Love this- please give us all the links! I look forward to it's release, sounds like a lot of hard work and dedication has gone into this.
  16. Violet

    Indiana Jones 5: July 19, 2019

    That's an excellent point, Finn. Maybe it isn't all that critical- I think it may be more puzzle based (sounds like I'm talking about a video game!) or maybe in the vein of modern Doctor Who action not as full on physical but still has action however a stronger mystery and intrigue based focus.
  17. Violet

    Lucasfilm Story Group

    Rather than looking to the future for spin off possibilities- what about the past? Part of the charm to me, is the old world vibe. Its possible to do films about say Abner Ravenwood or even Henry Snr prior to Indy's existence. Beyond say maybe the early 60s, the decades after seem to lose that...
  18. Violet

    Lucasfilm Story Group

    As someone who read the novels that already happened. Indy went after a Crystal Skull and a story arc that went across all the Max McCoy books years before Indy 4. Though the ride in Japan and the Young Indy episode that was never filmed would suggest the Crystal Skull idea had been in Lucas'...
  19. Violet

    Funko Pop

    Excellent -my local geek place Zing gets the Comic Con exclusives in so hoping this will be on their list this year. And maybe this is not the final art- maybe the pants will be corrected.
  20. Violet

    Which Indy novels do you have?

    I have all the Indy English adult novels including the more recent Army of the Dead. I also have all the adult novelizations except Skull (I did have it and it got lost in move a couple of years ago, so looking to reacquire it soon). I have all the new junior novelizations as well.